SA Multi Loans

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SA Multi Loans was formerly known as Bridge Loans prior to the year 1994. They have been established as premier lenders in South Africa and have gained a solid clientele base. The objective of SA Multi Loans is to supplement the income of individuals who are unable to meet unexpected expenses. While these may include emergency medical expenses, SA Multi Loans also facilitates individuals who have expenses related to house remodeling or to meet the expenses incurred as a result of a new baby at home.

Similarly, there are no restrictions against blacklisted people. Bridge Loans does not discriminate on the basis of credit history, for it agrees that it is the future that is relevant and not the past.
They offer short term loans of up to R6,500 for a maximum period of 6 months. This can usually be adjusted provided the reasons can be justified for Bridge Loans is very flexible and wishes to facilitate its clients in the best possible way.
Bridge Loans also has several established locations as there are 176 branches operating currently, which is expected to increase to 200 by the end of 2012.

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