Capitec Bank student loans

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Capitec Bank student loans: Capitec Bank prides itself in offering myriad loan solutions for the convenience of its clients. There are many fixed and variable credit terms on offer. The friendliest credit terms are offered on student loans with competitive interest rates and practical maturity timeframes. Hence, do not give up on your dream university because Capitec is here to provide an effective solution coupled with exceptional customer services.

Whether you are enrolled in a government or private college, your financial worries will be taken care of while you focus on your education. Use the loan to pay your tuition fee or to purchase textbooks, course material or equipment to assist you with your studies; anything acting as a hindrance in the way of your progress will be taken care of by Capitec’s policy.

Let Capitec make its contribution to your brighter future by dealing with the rising educational costs for you. The loans are approved quickly, avoiding any delay that may unfavourably affect you and applicants are provided with free retrenchment and death covers.

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